The team at Bralca are always happy to work with and foster the next generation of Agribusiness specialists. Here Kinsley interviews Ben as part of the Rural Careers Series.
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VTOL Exploration
BRALCA is currently developing a leading long range VTOL system that delivers the performance required for vast Australian areas. With automated flight systems and triple redundancy, this system truly offers the next generation in survellance and mapping.
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Breakfast to explore beef industry’s drone potential
How the Australian beef industry can capture the value of unmanned aircraft on-farm will be the theme of Meat & Livestock Australia’s (MLA) next Beef Industry Breakfast in Brisbane on 18 October. The event will discuss current and future applications for remotely-piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) for beef operations and showcase research and development investment in…
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AGINNOVATORS: AGRICULTURE, SUSTAINABILTY, FOOD, TECHNOLOGY, ENERGY, INNOVATION, NUTRITION, WELLBEING A partnership between NSW Department of Primary Industry DPI and Bralca supported by Innovation Central conducted a project to fast track the adoption of digital technology in agribusiness. Innovation Central is a connected tech laboratory provided by CISCO, NSW DPI, CSIRO, NSWFarmers and the University of NSW. Its aim is to accelerate adoption of…
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