As with any purchase, there are a range of influencing factors to be considered. In sheep & cattle operations it is ideal to have access to both the knowledge and equipment in a timely manner so you can ensure you meet the best outcomes for your enterprise. You need to be considering the adaptability of…
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Drone Training For Land Managers
[embed][/embed] Level 1 - Introduction to drones in Agrculture Designed for land managers by land managers. This course shows you how to Setup and use your drone Control your drone and get it to return home Do basic maintenance and repair of your drone Collect and process farm data to make informed decisons in your…
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Field Viewing Tablets – A game changer in Pest Animal Control
Traditional approaches to pest animal management are proving to be ineffective. In our quest to provide you with innovative solutions, Bralca presents an exciting technology that's making waves in the field: Field Viewing Tablets (FVT), a.k.a. Remote Viewing Platforms (RVP). Bralca has successfully adapted this technology, originally designed for military applications, to enhance pest animal…
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Getting strategic with pest animal control
Pest animals in Australia cost communities and primary producers billions each year and it can often feel like it is running away on us (literally)! The Centre for Invasive Species Solutions estimates Feral Deer[1] and Feral Pigs[2] cost us $91 Million and $50 Billion respectively. There is certainly government focus in this space with the…
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