As with any purchase, there are a range of influencing factors to be considered. In sheep & cattle operations it is ideal to have access to both the knowledge and equipment in a timely manner so you can ensure you meet the best outcomes for your enterprise. You need to be considering the adaptability of equipment, after sale support, training, warrantees, and price.
Our Bralca team currently uses two pieces of draminski equipment, which we highly recommend.
Adaptability of equipment
You may have an interest for scanning only sheep or cattle but need to consider the ability to use a range of probes with one machine. Some ultrasound units on the market will allow the use of one probe only, while others are interchangeable and will work across a range of animals.
For example, “The Animal profi 2 operates with three changeable mechanical probes with a wide viewing angle: rectal 180º, abdominal 90º and rectal-abdominal “Down Fire” 90º. Choose the Animal profi 2 depending on the livestock in order to examine such animals as: cows, mares, sheep, pigs, goats, dogs, camels, alpacas and even dolphins” (
After sales support
Are you looking for after sales support to ensure you get the most out of your equipment? Buying from an Australian based business ensures you have access to timely information and support as you need it.
Bralca highly recommends Philip Schoeffel from Advanced Farm Systems ( for the purchase of draminski equipment. Philip is based in NSW and is committed to ensuring they deliver the very best equipment to farmers and commercial operations across Australia. With over 35 years experience an over 15 years working alongside the Bralca team, Phil comes with a wealth of knowledge he is willing to share.
It is essential to consider any warrantees and guarantees on the equipment you are purchasing. While working with livestock it is important to understand there a range of unpredictable elements and accidents can occur. Keeping in mind, technology is forever evolving and as a buyer, you need to ensure you are comfortable with the warrantees provided for the cost of the product.
As previously mentioned, you need to ensure you are buying an ultrasound unit suited to your needs. This will ultimately determine the price.
Are you setting yourself up as a contractor? Are you running a range of livestock in your own enterprise and you would like to eliminate the use of a contractor? Are you wanting to only scan cattle once a year? To better determine your unique ROI we recommend exploring your options for using the equipment and how it will best suit your needs.
Are you wondering if the cost is worth it? What is the return on investment? You can read our blog post on how pregnancy scanning increases profits in a livestock trading business here:
Do you aim to upskill in livestock scanning to ensure you have up to date industry based knowledge for scanning? With a proven history in delivering professional training services to the agricultural industry, we offer the highest quality service with a realistic approach. Bralca is able to offer both bespoke, enterprise specific and industry registered training.
This course is for Animal breeders, vets, agricultural contractors and university students who are interested in a practical approach to ultrasonography. It focuses on the theory of Ultrasound and the specifics of using the Draminski Ultrasound Equipment.
On completion of this course you will be able to:
- Accurately outline an Ultrasound program to get the most from your breeding animals.
- Identify the critical pieces of equipment required to undertake scanning of sheep and cattle.
- Identify various stages of pregnancy and
- Successfully care for and maintain your equipment.
The focus is on using the equipment and gaining hands on experience with a variety of animals including sheep, cattle and pigs. It includes Reference notes and standard operating procedures.
NOTE: If you have 10 people and access to a property with both sheep and cattle ready for scanning, let us know. We can come to you!
You can find more information here:

Author: Brooke Watts increasing choice through knowledge